We bring our clients one handshake away to manufacturers of equipment. Every plant had or has at list one problem to deal with during their day-to-day operation. New projects are constantly calling for adoption of new technologies and we can provide.
You want reliable green-tech? You want to place inquiries and get the quotation straight from manufacturers? You want your demands flexibly fulfilled without middlemen and without profit on profit? OVECON works as local agent for world-renowned brands in the industry.
A consultant's job is to consult. We are knowledgeable about the subject we are consulting in. Management consulting helps organizations improve performance and efficiency, and we assist with internationally business expansion and project management.

Environmental Technologies/ CleanTech Matrix

Business Development

Competence BD

Customers, markets, relationships! This is where our extended work experience can be hired and used.

Looking for a local representative in Eastern Europe for example? One can ease this search for you. OVECON engages into opening new markets for its clients, especially in the branches of wastewater treatment, renewable energy and robotics.

Looking for a match with a western manufacturer or with an eastern contractor? We might be of useful assistance and become your eyes and ears during confidential business meetings.

Your potential growth opportunities relate to your moneymaking-strategy and OVECON is here to support and advice.


Adrian OvezeaThe foundation of OVECON came after 27 years of employment in industry branches like cement, power generation and cogeneration, IT, water and wastewater treatment. 

Hello, my name is Adrian Ovezea and I am the grounder of OVECON. During my lifetime I have earned two academic master degrees, one in electrical engineering and one in business administration.  I have gained experience inproject management, too.  

OVECON is a Swiss registered business. We introduce ourselves bringing to life innovative ideas for the years to come. As supplier of technologies and machinery we are offering services in making our world a better place to live in. As consultant we are supporting our colleagues to grow bigger.

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